Карти Канади Перрі-Кастанеда
Бібліотека карт Перрі-Кастанеда (більше 250 000 карт онлайн)

Бібліотека карт Перрі-Кастанеда включає в себе більше 250 000 карт онлайн.
Бібліотека Університету Техас.
- Canada (Political) US Central Intelligence Agency +1999 (272K) and pdf format (281K)
- Canada (Political) US Central Intelligence Agency 1 997 (374K) and pdf format (346K)
- Canada (Political) US Central Intelligence Agency 1994 року (237K) and pdf format (240K)
- Canada (Political) US Central Intelligence Agency +1986 (203K)
- Canada (Shaded Relief) US Central Intelligence Agency 1997 (383K) and pdf format (343K)
- Canada (Small Map) US Central Intelligence Agency 2014 (29.4K)
City Maps
See City Maps on Other Web Sites for more recent maps.
- Calgary, Alberta US Department of State 1988 (128K)
- Halifax, Nova Scotia US Department of State 1988 (129K)
- Montreal, Quebec US Department of State 1988 (148K)
- Ottawa, Ontario US Department of State 1986 (82K)
- Quebec City, Quebec US Department of State одна тисяча дев'ятсот дев'яносто два (123K)
- Toronto, Ontario US Department of State 1988 (115K)
- Vancouver, British Columbia US Department of State 1988 (125K)
- Winnipeg, Manitoba US Department of State +1988 (145K)
Topographic Maps
- 1: 1,000,000 - Operational Navigation Chart Series US Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center. Not for navigational use This series covers all of Canada
- 1: 500,000 - Tactical Pilotage Charts US National Imagery and Mapping Agency. Not for navigational use This series covers part of Canada
Canada: Historical Maps
Maps of Canada on Other Web Sites
Updated 10/14/14
- Canada (Lonely Planet)
- Canada (Natural Resources Canada)
- Canada (Vidiani)
- Canada - Area Code Map (CNA)
- Canada - First Nations Maps (Aboriginal Mapping Network)
- Canada - Geology and Geosciences Maps (Atlas of Canada)
- Canada - Geospatial Data (GeoBase)
- Canada - Major Minerals (USGS) and Map Key
- Canada - Mapping (Canadian Geographic)
- Canada - Mining Maps (Atlas of Canada)
- Canada - Maps (Statistics Canada)
- Canada - National Atlas
- Canada - National Parks (Natural Resources Canada)
- Canada - Nautical Charts (GeoGarage)
- Canada - Online Maps (Carleton University Library)
- Canada - Permafrost Map (Atlas of Canada)
- Canada - Population and Census Maps (Statistics Canada)
- Canada - Relief Map (Government of Canada)
- Canada - Topographic Maps (Natural Resources Canada)
- Canada - Topographic Maps - GeoGratis (Natural Resources Canada)
Provincial / Territorial, Regional and Park Maps on Other Web Site
- Alberta (Natural Resources Canada)
- Alberta - Maps (Discover Alberta)
- Alberta - Banff National Park (Parks Canada) [PDF]
- Alberta - Oil Sands (Alberta Geological Society)
- Alberta - Waterton Lakes National Park (Parks Canada)
- British Columbia (Natural Resources Canada)
- British Columbia - Fire Danger Map (British Columbia Ministry of Forests)
- British Columbia - GIS Data (GeoBC)
- British Columbia - Maps (Tourism British Columbia)
- British Columbia (Tourism British Columbia)
- Manitoba (Natural Resources Canada)
- Manitoba - Official Highway Map (Manitoba Transportation and Government Services) [PDF]
- Maritime Provinces (Natural Resources Canada)
- New Brunswick (Natural Resources Canada)
- New Brunswick Atlas (Service New Brunswick)
- New Brunswick - Maps (New Brunswick Government)
- Newfoundland (World Travel Guide)
- Newfoundland and Labrador (Natural Resources Canada)
- Northwest Territories (Geology.com)
- Northwest Territories (Natural Resources Canada)
- Northwest Territories (World Travel Guide)
- Northwest Territories - Maps (Government of the Northwest Territories)
- Nova Scotia - GeoNOVA Geographic Gateway
- Nova Scotia (Natural Resources Canada)
- Nova Scotia (NS Online)
- Nova Scotia - Maps [including highway and outline maps] (Service Nova Scotia)
- Nunavut (Natural Resources Canada)
- Ontario (McDowell Marketing)
- Ontario (Natural Resources Canada)
- Ontario - GIS Data and Interactive Map (Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources)
- Ontario - Niagara Peninsula (Brock University)
- Ontario - Official Road Map (Ontario Ministry of Transportation)
- Ontario - Relief (Natural Resources Canada)
- Prince Edward Island (Government of Prince Edward Island)
- Prince Edward Island (Natural Resources Canada)
- Prince Edward Island - Maps (Government of Prince Edward Island)
- Quebec (Natural Resources Canada)
- Quebec (World Travel Guide)
- Quebec - Northern (Makivik Corporation)
- Quebec - Road Map (Transports Quebec)
- Quebec - Thematic Maps (Government of Quebec)
- Sable Island
- Saskatchewan (Natural Resources Canada)
- Saskatchewan (Sasksearch)
- Saskatchewan (World Travel Guide)
- The Territories (Natural Resources Canada)
- Yukon (Natural Resources Canada)
- Yukon - Maps and GIS (Geomantics Yukon)
- Yukon - Road Map (Government of Yukon) [PDF]
City Maps on Other Web Sites
- Banff, Alberta (Discover Banff)
- Banff, Alberta (Google Maps)
- Banff and Jasper, Alberta - Tourist Maps (Frommer's)
- Calgary, Alberta - Maps (City of Calgary)
- Calgary, Alberta (Discover Calgary)
- Calgary, Alberta (Google Maps)
- Churchill, Manitoba (Churchill, Canada)
- Cornwall, Ontario (Live Search Maps)
- Dawson, Yukon Territory (Google Maps)
- Edmonton, Alberta (Google Maps)
- Edmonton, Alberta - Maps (Discover Edmonton)
- Fort McMurray, Alberta (Live Search Maps)
- Fort McMurray, Alberta (MapQuest)
- Goose Bay, Newfoundland (Google Maps)
- Guelph, Ontario (University of Guelph) [PDF]
- Halifax, Nova Scotia (Google Maps)
- Halifax, Nova Scotia (Lonely Planet)
- Halifax, Nova Scotia (NewEdge Technologies)
- Jasper, Alberta (Discover Jasper) [Requires Java]
- Kamloops, British Columbia (WorldWeb) [Flash]
- Kamloops, British Columbia - Maps (City of Kamloops)
- Kelowna, British Columbia - Clickable Map (Kelownamap.com)
- Lake Louise, Alberta (Discover Lake Louise) [PDF]
- Lethbridge, Alberta - Maps (City of Lethbridge)
- London, Ontario - Maps (City of London)
- Medicine Hat, Alberta (Live Search Maps)
- Montreal, Quebec (Google Maps)
- Montreal, Quebec (Lonely Planet)
- Montreal, Quebec (World Executive)
- Montreal, Quebec - Maps (City of Montreal)
- Montreal, Quebec - Tourist Maps (Frommer's)
- Niagara Falls, Ontario - Industrial (City of Niagara Falls)
- Niagara Falls, Ontario - Tourism (City of Niagara Falls)
- Oshawa, Ontario - Interactive Map (City of Oshawa)
- Ottawa, Ontario (Google Maps)
- Ottawa, Ontario - Maps (Ottawa Tourism)
- Owen Sound, Ontario -Area Maps (Owen Sound Area Internet Community)
- Prince Albert, Saskatchewan (City of Prince Albert)
- Quebec City, Quebec (PlanetWare)
- Quebec City, Quebec (Telegraphe de Quebec)
- St. John's, Newfoundland - Interactive Map (City of St. John's)
- Sherbrooke, Quebec - Maps (Ville de Sherbrooke)
- Stratford, Ontario - City Map (Mappery) [PDF]
- Thunder Bay, Ontario (Live Local)
- Thunder Bay, Ontario - Bus Routes (City of Thunder Bay)
- Timmins, Ontario - Interactive Map (City of Timmins)
- Toronto, Ontario (Google Maps)
- Toronto, Ontario (Lonely Planet)
- Toronto, Ontario - Hotels Interactive Map (WorldWeb Travel Guide) [Flash]
- Toronto, Ontario - Interactive Map (City of Toronto)
- Toronto, Ontario - Maps (City of Toronto)
- Toronto, Ontario - Subway and Bus Maps (TTC)
- Toronto, Ontario - Tourist Maps (Frommer's)
- Vancouver, British Columbia (Google Maps)
- Vancouver, British Columbia (Lonely Planet)
- Vancouver, British Columbia - Downtown (World Web Travel Guide) [Flash]
- Vancouver, British Columbia - Maps (Tourism Vancouver)
- Vancouver, British Columbia - Tourist Maps (Frommer's)
- Vancouver, British Columbia - Cycling Map (City of Vancouver) [PDF]
- Vancouver, British Columbia - VanMap Interactive Map (City of Vancouver)
- Victoria, British Columbia (Google Maps)
- Victoria, British Columbia (Tourism Victoria) [PDF]
- Waterton Park Village, Alberta (Waterton Park.com)
- Whitehorse, Yukon (Google Maps)
- Whitehorse, Yukon (PR Services)
- Windsor, Ontario (Google Maps)
- Winnipeg, Manitoba (Google Maps)
- Winnipeg, Manitoba - Maps (City of Winnipeg)
- Winnipeg, Manitoba - Tourist Maps (Frommer's)
- Yellowknife, Northwest Territories (Google Maps)
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